Last September, a ton of users found that Twitter’s image cropping algorithm seemingly had a white bias. In response, Twitter said it would give users control over how images appear on their feeds while the possible bias was being investigated — but then never delivered…until now. The company announced last night that if you post a single image on your feed, it’ll appear the same as it looked in the composer. The platform is currently testing this feature on its iOS and Android apps.

— Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) March 10, 2021

Which will the Twitter algorithm pick: Mitch McConnell or Barack Obama? — Tony “Abolish ICE” Arcieri ? (@bascule) September 19, 2020 Personally, I’m also excited about this new feature because I post a lot of memes on Twitter. And often the app’s algorithm crops out the part that’s the punchline for that meme. So then I have to readjust the dimensions of that image so the meme is properly visible and I get that sweet internet validation from strangers that makes my life complete. Thanks to this new feature, I wouldn’t have to worry about cropping for a single image. Well done, Twitter.