— Ishan Agarwal (@ishanagarwal24) July 1, 2020 The device was first spotted by Russian YouTuber @1garri (via Ishan Agarwal). While it’s not totally certain the device is supposed to be the Note 20 Ultra, several details point to this being the case.
— Garri (@1garri) July 1, 2020 For one, the device appears to sport a periscope lens like the existing Galaxy S20 Ultra. For another, it matches the shake posted by leakster Ice Universe — who also mentioned the phone would come in a copper color. Not to mention the image was found on, you know, Samsung’s own website; according to The Verge, someone appears to have accidentally uploaded the images to a page for the older Note 10.
— Ice universe (@UniverseIce) July 1, 2020 The next Samsung event is expected to happen in early August, so it shouldn’t be too long until we find out more — not to mention further leaks sure to come in the following weeks. It wasn’t the only Samsung phone to leak today either; the upcoming Galaxy Flip Z 5G is also making the rounds today, though its design is very similar to the prior model.